The first side project I undertook after graduating college, Unwelcome is a mobile game that takes place in a classic medieval RPG setting populated by small robots. The objective is to protect your life savings from "heroes" that would take it in the name of the greater good by using their own powers against them.
The story is: you're a lowly resident of a small town
that 'hero' adventurers often travel through, and you've had enough of them barging into your home - breaking pots - taking food and money - all
in the name of "saving the world". You finally snap and break a pot over one of their heads - causing you to become wanted and the
target of all other heroes in the area. You must then defend your home from parties of heroes by using their powers against them and
gather their dropped supplies to buy traps and guards to help defend against larger groups of heroes.
Eventually, you find your house has become a sizable dungeon, and you've become the big boss heroes have to steal supplies for.
The game isn't fully finished yet, but most of the gameplay elements are there - the heroes will path toward your movable treasure chest by default and steal money out of it, but will turn and attack you if they see you. All of their attacks are deadly - but not only to you. The heroes drop money when defeated, which can be used to expand your house by tapping on an adjacent building square or to buy magic mirrors that reflect wizard fireballs.

How It Works

The adjacent room squares, inside walls, and floor are covered in touch-sensitive panels that will automatically purchase a new house extension or trap when tapped. The adjacent squares will obviously add space to your house to move around in, and the wall panels will purchase magic mirrors. Eventually, the floor squares will add guards, and you'll be able to build underground.