For my final Game Development class project, I asembled a team of two other programmers and together we created a multiplayer virtual reality game using Unity and the Oculus Rift headset. Players assume the role of tiny robots with rocket engines strapped to their backs and rocket pods strapped to their arms and attempt to blow one other up.

At our deadline, we had cobbled together a playable multiplayer game that you could play in virtual reality using the Oculus headset and Unity's built in networking system. Players jumped around on the tiny planet using their jetpacks and rockets to try to take their opponents out. Extended play would leave you a bit dizzy.
How It Works
Getting the simulated gravity system to work was probably one of the hardest challenges right alongside the Oculus functionality. We utilized real gravitational attraction equations, and forcibly rotated the players each frame so that they would point toward the center of the planet. This made it so that you could fly all the way around the planet, going upside down and anywhere you wanted, while appearing to remain upright.