My interest for computer science ignited in high school when I took Java and Game Design classes at a nearby vocational school. Since then, I've developed a taste for creating all kinds of visual experiences through code, including websites, mobile apps, and games. During the last few years of my education, I was particularly interested in VR technology - and since CSUMB had a fairly extensive VR lab, I was able to play around and work on a bunch of VR projects using the Oculus Rift, Samsung GearVR, and HTC Vive. I've spent my first year out of college working for communication and alarm company DPS Telecom as a QA Test Engineer and Webmaster.

You can download an up to date pdf copy of my resume here, or skim through the live embedded copy to the left.
Outside the office
My biggest hobby outside of work and games is building and flying racing drones and large aerobatic RC planes.
I used to race in a local chapter of the Official Drone Racing League
but I haven't been competing since starting work full-time.
You can "see" through their onboard camera using VR goggles - and they can fly up to around 80 miles an hour, making for exciting races as well as
an unparalleled sense of freedom.

Favorite Games / Influence
My best attempt at narrowing down my favorite games of all time, in no particular order.
I'm a big survival horror fan - I thought Dead Money was the best New Vegas Expansion. In general, I think having a memorable soundtrack has a much bigger influence
on how much I like a game than it probably should.